Thursday, January 20, 2011

Limping into the weekend

This has been a very long week for us. Pete was gone for part of it and the girls complained that there was no fire in the fireplace. I didn't even attempt to make a fire while he was gone, knowing all they'd do is compare it to Daddy's inferno.  I have about 1,000 things going on at work, none of which amuse or interest me. Add to that the fact that both kids have been snot factories this week and you've got a recipe for a meltdown or a good ol' southern hissy fit.  I just keep repeating "tomorrow is friday!".

The girls did not have fevers this morning so I sent them on to school even though they felt terrible. This made ME feel terrible. We are short a teacher on our hall for who knows how long so there was just no way for me to stay home today. There are few things more heartwrenching than leaving crying children behind.  I know all moms go through this, but I'm not doing well with it lately. I'm realizing that they are growing up so quickly and I feel like I'm chasing behind them rather than living life alongside them. I think I've whined about this before. Sorry.

Luckily, both of them felt better when they got home from school today. Still yucky, but better. They even felt like playing outside for a short time.

This should help her sinus drainage issues. :)

We're looking forward to a restful weekend around here. I do plan to put away my last remaining Christmas tree. I hope. If not it will be a Valentine's tree or something of that sort. Don't judge me.

Love it when the girls are getting along!

Bless her heart. After Benadryl, she crashed. I had to drag her into the shower. This is when I'm especially thankful for a huge walk in shower!

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