Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Abstract Randomness

Addie Belle and Ali Grace 2005
My husband used to be so irritated by the fact that I lose things constantly. Yesterday as I was leaving, he gave me my phone charger. I got it tangled in my backpack and sat it down on the seat until I could back out of the garage and get out of his way. When I reached for the charger no more than 30 seconds later, it was gone. This is my life. This is the life of an Abstract Random. If you've no idea what I'm talking about google the words "Gregorc Delineator". Gregorc is a researcher who is DEAD ON when it comes to pegging certain personalities. He has me down to a tee! Abstract Randoms are passionate teachers who will do anything to get a rise out of their students. Their classrooms look like living rooms and have bright colors and always smell nice! My husband is 100% the opposite- a Concrete Sequential. His classroom is all business. It would look like a hospital room or a prison cell if I had not gone and added some "feng shui". He never loses things and has a hard time understanding those of us who do. Thank goodness he loves me despite my craziness!

Sadly, I've lost my photo card and the end piece to the card reader. My poor husband doesn't even bother being irritated. He just starts turning over sofas until he finds what I've lost this time. Only this time, we couldn't find it. He did have a momentary lapse and say "honey why don't you just put it in the drawer when you finish with it?"  I promptly responded, "honey don't you think I would do that if I had the ability to do that?".  He just shook his head and started looking through the sofa cushions. I don't know where I've put the card reader but until I can find it or buy a new one, Pete suggested I post some old pictures of the girls before we moved here and before lots of you knew us. So, here they are- some of my old favorites.

When Addie was tiny, Poppy was one of the few people she would allow to hold her other than me!

I think Ali was about 4 in this picture. She's on our patio in Rincon

Ali Grace -4 years old 2005

Proof that I was skinny at one time! 

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