Sunday, February 26, 2012

Early Spring Fever

The weather today was gorgeous. We woke up to a chilly morning and got off to a slow start but once the sun came out, it was a perfect day for playing outside. The girls spent most of the day jumping on the trampoline and running around outside. Ali Grace got Pete's tablet computer and took it on their afternoon adventure, videotaping their acrobatics on the trampoline. They insisted that Pete and I watch their "production" but after 30 seconds Pete was feeling a twinge of motion sickness and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it! I told them they'd just have to tell me about it!

They sat on the back deck together for a long time "editing the production".  

We all really have a case of spring fever around here. I cannot wait to hit the beach!  

Addie is doing very well taking care of her new Chihuahua, Roxy. I'm trying to get over my OCD regarding dogs in the house! She's so very tiny and really sweet as can be, so she's taking it easy on me! Addie adores her!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sevenly Heavenly

We spent Saturday at the gym for basketball games. It's hard to get up for a 9am game, but Pineland Bakery goodies always make it easier.  The girls both played great.

On Sunday, Papa and Gran brought Addie her birthday present, a TINY chihuahua she named Roxy. 

Took these pictures this morning of the Birthday Girl! 

She's so snow white, I allow her to wear a little lip gloss every day. She always makes a production out of putting it on! I think that's so strange since when she comes home today, her hair will be matted, her tights will be torn, and most of the glitter on her shoes will be replaced with Georgia red clay. 

Happy Birthday sweet Addie! We love you just the way you are!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Greener Grass and General Gripes

Without fail, every time I get my self worked in to a tizzy over something  (tizzy is a wonderfully descriptive southern word) God quickly reminds me to chill the heck out and that things could be worse. A lot worse. I really have worked myself into a lather about the shortcomings of our technology at school and don't get me wrong- it irritates the hoo ha outta me when things are blocked and I need them for my class but whoaaa baby- it could be worse. YOU COULD work in a school system where a kid using a cell phone as a calculator is treated as a federal crime. Yes. I couldn't make that up.  So I feel as though I need to say PRAISE GOD I teach in a system that is not perfect, but listens to my gripes and at least makes me feel as though they care about my gripes because they know I have the best interest of children at heart. Turns out that's not so common. Principals and Superintendents who refuse to listen to teachers' concerns, discount their efforts to improve, and stifle innovation because they are afraid of it or do not understand it, do so at their own peril.  Something is wrong when you spend more time sniveling over a kid's cell phone calculator than you do focusing on innovative instruction. History will look back on them and laugh much as we do at the guy who foolishly said in 1976 that he could see the use for maybe 50 computers world wide and that the computer would never be a personal household item. Ha. Thank God I don't work in a system like that. Just sayin'...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Addie is in love with this spring-like weather. She wore her boots to church but ran barefooted the rest of the day. There's something about dirt between your toes that helps you grow up right I think. We've had a busy few days around here but all's well. The girls are looking forward to a couple days with their Gran and Papa and we're ALL looking forward to a ski trip over Winter Break to celebrate Addie's birthday.