Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where is Friday??

Are we positively sure tomorrow isn't Friday? This has been the longest week ever. I cannot believe it's not Friday yet because it seems like it's been 3 weeks since the last weekend. The power went out this morning at school during the thunderstorm. That's very bad in middle school. Very bad. Luckily it came back on and we all survived.

The girls had Donuts with Dad this morning at EBA. They really had donuts with MY dad, since Pete has to be at work too early to attend. According to reports, Poppy was a very good stand in. The girls won't remember a time when their grandparents weren't right across the road and very involved in their lives. Hopefully they will realize how blessed they are to have both sets of grandparents so very accessible and willing to help out. Pete's mother is coming up from Jesup for Ali's spring concert tomorrow only to turn right back around and head to St. Augustine with us on Friday.  Just another of our many blessings.

Ali and I had a heated game of 4 square or "two circle" as Ali called it today. I laughed hysterically when Ali slipped on the rug on the hardwood floors and landed right on her fanny.  It was enough to keep her ego in check for awhile. Yes we play ball indoors...

and by looking at Ali's socks, we must wear our socks outdoors
but ride scooters indoors...

but we do not  paint, blow bubbles, or allow anything with fur inside. I'm quirky like that.

Thankfully the girls got along well this afternoon. Addie feels much better today. No Ali didn't wear camo pj bottoms to school although I hear that's all the rage in some places... including UGA.  I may have been guilty of such an offense back in my Athens years...well not camo. Definitely not.

I have about 999 things left to do on my list of 1000 things to do before we leave for the beach. My husband is colorblind. He can't pack for us. That would be bad. Very bad. 

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