Wednesday, March 9, 2011

They get it from me!!

Both girls got report cards today and I am about to brag. So, for all you guys out there who are irritated by moms who brag on their babies, just exit now.

First let me brag on sweet Ali Grace! She's always made all A's but when she started EBA she struggled to get into a groove. The work wasn't any more difficult than she was used to, but the routine was very different. It was a tough adjustment. Today, her report card had ALL A's! I am so proud of her. She has worked so hard.

Addie's teacher described her as "wonderful!"  Really I didn't need to look any further. Having someone else describe your child as wonderful does wonders for a Mama's heart.  She is still struggling in "neatness", but in every other area, she had S's and E's. Her conduct grades were all E's. I have always tried to stress to the girls that behavior and manners are just as important as intellect- even MORE so in my opinion. I'm very happy to see that Addie is doing well in both areas.

Seriously, don't y'all think they get it from me? I'm almost certain.  :)

My flashcard DIED, so I've no camera other than my phone, which is terrible. This is the best I've got until I can get to Wal Mart tomorrow!

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