Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blessings in Plain Sight..

The girls are always so excited to put on their new Easter dresses each year. This year was no exception!
Addie loves any dress that twirls when she spins!

Ali Grace looked so grown up today. (sniffle...)

Pastor David's sermon today encouraged us all to look for the blessings right under our noses. I think we all focus on the blessings we WISH we had or the blessings others have received. That's part of our shortcomings as humans I guess. Sometimes we need to be gently reminded that we're looking in the wrong place! I am so very thankful for God's provisions for our family and that He continues to bless us in so many different ways. 

After church, we ate dinner at Nanny and Poppy's and later that afternoon Ali Grace, in a state of spoiled rottenness, talked Nanny into frying some homemade potato chips. Ali loves them! They were not as good as fresh from the garden red potatoes, but until we are able to dig fresh ones they will do! 

The girls finished the afternoon helping Poppy feed the cows, horses and chickens.

And we ALL counted the days left until summer break when EVERY day can be like Sunday afternoon!


  1. I didn't get to see you, Addie and Pete at church. Saw Ali in the hallway when we went to get MW from children's church. The girls were adorable. So fun our pastor talked about your blog in church- be careful what you write! Ha!

  2. Yep!! Addie had a stomach ache and Pete took her out during church. :(
