Friday, October 14, 2011

Shout out your colors Spartans!

Since Mama and I were out for Fall Break today, we were able to drive into town to see Ali Grace and the EBA Jr. Pro Cheerleaders cheer at the pep rally today. She was really excited about us coming to see her. I am really trying to be at most of her "events" because I am well aware that in a few short years she will be mortified at the very thought that I may show up. The girls did a fabulous job! I have had many people tell me "I don't know how you teach middle school kids Algebra. I'd lose my mind!" WELL.. I personally think it's probably a lot easier than teaching a bunch of 8-10 year old girls to cheer like pros! I was so impressed by them and so proud of their hard work!

Thought it was cute that the Senior Class led the school in the singing of the Alma Mater today.

After school, we came home to enjoy the great weather outdoors. Since the pecans have started dropping, we had to move the cattle out of the orchard. That's always an adventure. Two kids who won't stay out of the way, two farmhands who are deathly afraid of cows, me in my easy spirit pumps (the same ones that survived the lab fire),  and my parents who sometimes still think they're 30.

The pecan orchard was so pretty today and Addie and I had a great walk following the cows out of the orchard and into the next pasture. We finally realized that Nanny and Poppy had left us in the dust so we turned around and walked all the way back. It was a great walk. We harassed the fire ants, wondered about why cows walk the same path all the time, and talked about school.  Addie told me all about how Ms Jane had told the story of David and Goliath on Wednesday. She told me that she told Ms Jane that she already knew that story from church but that it was really cool to hear it again. Silly girl. I just love her to pieces. 

 After the work was done, Poppy fried shrimp he'd gotten from a friend right off the shrimpboat this morning. They were sinfully good.  Tomorrow we are headed outta here early to the Georgia National Fair in Perry! The girls are so excited that we are going on a trip with Poppy! I am looking forward to the Draft Horse show and the girls want to see the llamas! Strangely, it's only a few bucks more to get in the Georgia National Fair than it is the Burke County Fair.  I haven't been to Perry since my days as an agriculture teacher. Ali Grace has been, but when she was only about 3 months old. Pete made her bottle in the cattle barn. She's had a healthy immune system and I attribute it to her early exposure to the livestock barn!  

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