Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Eyes!

Ali Grace got contacts today! She was so excited that she could get them before school started back. I'm glad too. I know nothing about contacts since I've never worn them, but Pete feels sure she can handle the responsibility. Just one more rung on the ladder of babies growing up I guess.

School started for Jefferson County kiddos yesterday and so far it's been a smooth start to the year. I must say I am really enjoying my new position but I am totally overwhelmed with the constant "so and so needs you to call about this", and "could you fill out this form for that" and "could you please talk to someone about so and so?"... Wow. Today I visited a science classroom and I got so involved in what they were doing that I totally missed a 1 o'clock meeting. This job and my ADD are going to bump heads I'm afraid. It's an adjustment for me, but so far I really like it.

The girls start school on Monday and they have Open House tomorrow night. Some of their new clothes came today via UPS and they had a great time trying them on. They turned my living room into a runway. I don't know if I'm ready to start the craziness of the school year for them. Cheer practices, football games, etc...  Guess Monday is coming whether I like it or not. May as well have a good glass of wine and relax about it!

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