Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to Normal (Whatever THAT is!)

Thankfully, Pete checked out fine at University Hospital and he's heading back to work tomorrow. The girls have enjoyed being able to sleep a little later the past couple days but I love a routine and so it'll be good to get back in the groove. The girls hung in there like troopers with Pete in the hospital since Gran and Papa came to help out. They've had a great week at school. Today the girls had a very reasonable amount of homework and it was sooooo nice to be able to sit down and eat dinner and then watch a movie together.

We are anticipating a hurricane sweeping just north of us over the next few days and it reminded me of my Effingham days when I taught Connections. Whenever a hurricane would come close to us, we'd have a "hurricane party" during our planning. We'd order pizza, and I'd print out placemats with the hurricane projected path. Remember those days Kiley Purvis Hodges? Those were the good ol' days! Good times!

Ali Grace has to do a cell model project for her science class so we're looking forward to heading to Joanne's or Michael's this weekend to get our craft on! She is really excited about it and wants something unique and not just the normal clay model. Any ideas??

1 comment:

  1. Okay-I want an invite and a placemat. I've seen kids use a styrofoam ball as a cell. They usually cut off a fourth in order to show the inside. They also use pins w/labels to identify parts of a cell.
