Saturday, February 13, 2010

Totally random thoughts.....

So much for my recent attempts at willing in an early spring! We had about 5 inches of snow on our back deck this morning. But, this was MY kind of snow! The kids had a wonderful time watching it come down last night and really enjoyed playing in it this morning. Now, by afternoon it's almost all gone. Yes, my kind of snow! This was the girls' first "Georgia snow" and the first snow we've seen since we moved to Burke County several years ago.  I was amazed that the grocery store still had milk when I finally ventured out about lunch time.

 Anyway on to my latest musing. My husband's cousin Rachel is a fabulous new mom. She is also an elementary school teacher and I admire her efforts at frugality. Recently she introduced me to the site  I haven't had a chance to thoroughly check it out but it does look interesting! It reads sort of like a blog with people contributing information about good deals they've found in local grocery and department stores.  There are also a number of printable coupons available there.  Rachel is still trying to recruit me into the world of coupons but I haven't taken the bait as of yet. 

On another frugal note, I was browsing the Limited Too website, and did not realize that Justice has completely replaced Limited Too. While I did find some good buys, and some of the clothing was cute, the vast majority of it looked trashy. A friend reminded me the other day about the great and wise Celia Rivenbark. I read her book "Belle Weather" and loved it. We were talking about the difficulty in finding decent girls clothing and she mentioned Celia's book "Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank". I still ponder why moms pay top prices for such trashy clothes. You could find more class at Cato.  


  1. Love "Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank"- have a copy if you want to borrow. I've been in Justice with my niece and I must say it is cheap stuff. T-shirts are extremely thin so you must layer, but they cost about $20 or more each. When you have got to purchase two to layer it isn't so cheap. Much better to spend a little more and buy one good quality shirt. Gymboree is much better quality.

  2. Forgot to comment on Southern Savers- love the website-great info., but due to our location I find it difficult to use coupons for lots of stuff. Most of time I buy the house brand at Walmart. Our local grocery store doesn't have a great coupon policy.

  3. That's exactly where I am right now! It's not worth it for me to clip coupons for say....Windex, when the Great Value brand is just as good a quality without the coupon. I suppose there are a few deals to be had, but I don't have the time. To Rachel, it's a game I think! She loves the challenge of it! :) Oh and I would LOVE to have your Skank book! LOL I just bought Shadow Song, a Terry Kay book so I'm going to try to finish it first. And by the way, I have hung MW's dress on my cabinet in the breezeway so I will NOT forget to bring it back on Tuesday!
