Saturday, December 15, 2012

Remember the Helpers

On my way to hear my angels sing at the Edmund Burke Academy Christmas program, I got a text from my friend Beth about the horrible circumstances in Newtown, Connecticut. I just could not imagine it. It was much too heinous to even conceive of such a thing. The children all sounded like an angel choir and I said a quick prayer thanking God for all of these children but also for the children lost that day and their parents who must be beyond devastated. I couldn't wait to get my arms around the girls after the program. I needed to stop at the grocery store but I made a bee-line for home and I haven't left since. It's all just so sad.

I really have been in a funk this weekend thinking about how sick this world must be to have produced someone who would commit such a cowardly heinous act. I have come to a realization though, that heinous acts have been occurring throughout history. This one hurts. It hurts to the core, but humans have been doing horrible things to each other for a long long time. My cousin's husband posted a quote from Mr. Rogers on facebook and it really did make me think...
It said, "when I was a boy and saw scary things in the news, my mother told me to always look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping. There are still so many caring people in the world".  How true that is. There are still so many good people in this world. Restaurants from all over the country have sent food to Newtown. Schools have already begun collecting stuffed animals and cards to send to the surviving children at Sandy Hook. I respect people's viewpoints when they've posted all day about this tragedy happening because we "took God out of the schools". I respectfully say HOGWASH as well. God is where you take Him. I don't think for one minute GOD did this. Please don't flame me. This is MY blog. If you disagree, write it on your own blog. Equally as irritating to me is the constant political posting on facebook about gun control. I agree with the President. There's a time for this discussion but it's not today. However, I don't see more gun laws as the answer. 

Neither of the girls even know about the shooting yet, and I'm not telling them until I have to. We turned off the TV and we've had an otherwise good weekend. The weather was nice. Addie played outside a lot.

We had a great visit from Keith and Julie, our friends from Effingham. They are moving to the area soon because Keith got a new job in Millen. They were our neighbors in our very first house in Guyton. In fact, I was pregnant with Ali Grace when they were building their house. I remember saying these better be REAL good neighbors for all the racket I've had to listen to every morning! They were. Good friends come to visit. GREAT friends come to visit bringing Pineland Bakery goodies! Aren't these the cutest cupcakes ever?

Beth says the best thing to do is go out and enjoy the Christmas season. I plan on doing that. Addie wanted me to push her on the rope swing today and I really didn't want to, but I did. I know 20 mothers who would do anything for such an opportunity. For those mothers, I am going to do better. I'm going to make a huge mess making gingerbread houses and not fret about the sticky fingers all over the cabinets. I'm going to let the kids go without a bath tonight  because they're getting along so well and I don't want their giggling to stop. I'm going to stop griping about the economy and be glad I have a warm house with a wonderful husband and two healthy children. I am grateful for the multitude of Christmas carols my children have learned from Ms Joyner at EBA. I am just thankful.

Tomorrow I'll make another trip to Plains for a funeral. I love Plains and I always lament the fact that I only get back there for family funerals. Aunt Christine was a sport! She was so tiny but when she talked, people listened!  I have some absolutely splendid childhood memories of the times I spent at Uncle Cecil and Aunt Christine's house. She was 96. I can only hope for a life that full.

Merry Christmas everyone. Though it's hard to be merry, it's easy to be thankful.  I'm going to start there.

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