Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We've worked really hard around here the last few days. Christmas decorating is a major undertaking in the House of Bennett. We have several parties planned for the Holiday season so I've been at it since Thanksgiving. Since Georgia won the SEC East and finally beat Florida after a long dry spell, I decided that lack of a tree would not keep me from putting up a "G Tree". Mama loaned me her wrought iron tree and I let the girls loose on it. It borders between eccentric, fanatic and tacky but we love it and the girls had a ball decorating it. That's what matters. They definitely have their own sense of "style". Addie's favorite outfits always include cowboy boots and leggings. I don't know why I'm shocked that the G Tree turned out like this..

Here's my most recent Pinterest project. I saw it, pinned it, and tried it! Not too bad for my first attempt I don't think.

The mudroom is almost done! I am SO glad. This little nook area in our house had gotten so cluttered and cramped that my OCD would not allow me to walk through there. I started parking out front rather than in the garage just to avoid it! It's coming along nicely I think. 

The weather this weekend was unbelievably warm. I grumbled about sweating while putting up Christmas decorations but it was nice to be able to let the girls play outside to get all their squeals and screeches out. Girls have lots of those. 

And finally, this week our elf arrived. Addie Belle talked me into asking Santa if we could host an elf until Christmas Eve. I did, and one arrived this past week. He hasn't been TOO mischievous- only messing up the hay and turning over a small christmas tree onto the "Jesus Barn" (Addie's word for the nativity scene).  This morning we found him playing in the wreath in the office. 

I am so looking forward to this Christmas Season. All of us have so much to celebrate and be thankful for and I am doing ALL I can do to keep the stress at a minimum. This is not supposed to be a screaming, fighting, pushing in line, shop until you're broke and then worry about how to pay for it season. This is the SEASON of PEACE people! This includes blogging. There's something I've noticed about blogging mommies and photo nuts in general. Sometimes we're so busy trying to "capture the moment" that we forget to "live in the moment". I have witnessed this at several recent weddings. I think if I were a young bride today, I'd request no photography during the wedding. It really makes no sense to miss the bride coming down the aisle because you are piddling with a camera and stressing about getting the perfect picture.  If trying to photograph it interferes with ENJOYING it, then don't.  Plus you just look stupid trying to take a picture with your little kodak while a professional photographer is standing right in front of the bride taking pictures. You are there to enjoy the wedding and remember the moment because of what it meant- not because you got a great shot of the bride while leaning out of the pew and throwing your back out. 

All you Scroogie McScrooges out there- Wow is all I can say. What is up with you all? I know some of you work in retail and people can be real horse's behinds during the holidays but ya know what? Caesar was a real horse's behind requiring all those folks to go back to their home cities to pay taxes. Good thing Joseph and Mary weren't such whiners!  I also know trying to stretch out time between inlaws and outlaws gets stressful. Either do it and smile or just don't. I am resolved to enjoying Christmas at home with Pete and the children. I'm not stressing about driving all over Timbuktu. Since Pete's family is getting together the weekend BEFORE our holiday begins, we will barely be able to spend 24 hours with them in Florida next weekend. Not sweating it. We're going down one day, coming back the next and hopefully singing fa la la la la all the way there and back.  Come on. Get it together and enjoy this Christmas. You could be spending it in a Jesus Barn. 

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