Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Zippy Story...

Since Addie Belle was born, Papa has always told her "Zippy stories". I have no idea what they are or who they are about but Addie loves a good Zippy story. I think Zippy is a monkey but I'm not sure. After spending a week with Gran and Papa, Addie had a hard time going to sleep at night without a Zippy story. I thought I was going to have to CALL Papa one night so he could tell Addie a Zippy story over the phone! So tonight while we're waiting on Gran and Papa to get here, Addie tells me she's so excited to hear the next chapter of the Zippy stories. This has been going on for almost 7 years! Addie says " I hope Papa remembers which chapter we're on because I don't but I DO remember that Zippy got on bad drugs and stole a motorcycle." Uhhh... I gave my husband the look that said "Tell your father that the next chapter of the Zippy story better be where Zippy finds the Lord, settles down and lives a clean Christian life!!"  We both got a good laugh out of that. Aren't grandparents the most awesome wonderful things ever? Addie and Ali struck gold when it came to grandparents. 

Meanwhile on the Ponderosa, Poppy has ALMOST finished the pool. I am so happy! Addie, Rubi, Ali Grace and Emily had a blast today in the pool even though it's only half full. The guys are still working on the fountain and some fancy spray thingies that I don't really understand. Yes, my daddy can do anything. 

Tonight we had a great fish fry! Fish given to us by one of Daddy's cousins, potatoes freshly dug an hour before frying....ahh now THAT is living.

Sadly, Daddy had to make a trip to Plains this morning. My cousin Jay (Daddy's 1st cousin's son) was tragically killed in an accident at the family peanut warehouse in Plains. He was 31 and quite the adventurer. He biked, climbed, kayaked, canoed, hiked, ran and was a free spirit it seemed. He loved marathons and orienteering competitions. Recently he'd biked across the country to raise money for the RideWell organization that helps fund wells in Africa. What a fine example of Christian faith. Not pompous. Not a facebook "slacktivist". A real live example of what one man can do for another in need. Today the church was packed. The former first lady, Rosalyn Carter was in attendance as well as a huge number of Jay's friends. He inspired many people and although his life was cut seemingly short, what an adventurous life it was. Happy trails Jay... until we meet again on the other side. 

Jay Williams 
(July 11, 1980-June 30, 2012)


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