Saturday, July 14, 2012

Love the Skin You're In!

As everyone knows, I'm the mother of two fair skinned redheads. I think their sweet ivory shoulders are just beautiful. Granted, we go broke buying sunscreen, rash guards, and zinc oxide each summer but it's worth it. Recently Ali Grace came downstairs excited that she had a "tan line". I told her a tan was nothing to be proud of and that it was her body reminding her that she was damaging her skin. I know the "in thing" with white folks is to be tan, but this image really needs to change. Melanoma is a bitch I hear. Which brings me to another topic. I have several black friends. They don't want to be dark! WTH? Okay so white girls literally bake themselves in an oven to be dark skinned, and black girls are using all sorts of kooky creams to lighten their skin.   Love the skin you're in people!! When Pete and I visited the British Virgin Islands, I can honestly say some of the DARK black women there were some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen anywhere. I say love the skin you're in whether you're so black they can't see you at night or so white they can see right through you. Seriously.  We don't do self tanners around here either. Kinda defeats the purpose of loving the shade of skin we were born with don't you think? White is wonderful. Black is beautiful....and every shade in between.
Okay excuse me as I hop down off my high horse.

Pete came home Wednesday after being gone since Monday morning to GVATA conference in Athens. Other than Addie's stomach virus, we had some good girl time. Of course, the girls have had a ball in the pool. Ali Grace has been sidelined a few days with swimmer's ear, but we've had a great few days despite the funky ear. We bought a few school supplies already just to ease ourselves into the idea that school will be starting very soon. We haven't gotten used to the idea yet so we speak of it in hushed tones. :)

Ali Grace worked with her goat this morning. Pansy is her 4-H project and honestly, I'm not sure it's gonna work out. While some say stick out what you start, I'm more of the life's too short to cry over 4-H mindset. Ali doesn't have the patience for animals which is somewhat ironic considering her grandfather and her uncle Ernie are in Oklahoma scouting out the grandchildren's next 4-H show prospects.  Addie will sit and watch a snake all day long in complete fascination. Ali would shoot it with her pistol without hesitation. Funny how two kids can be so completely different. Today wasn't a good day in the arena. Let's just leave it at that.

Mama entertains her first poolside guests tonight. The Thompsons, old friends from way back,  rode down on their Harley to visit. It sure was good to laugh and catch up. 

That's about a wrap for this week. We're jarring our first honey over the next few days so I'm looking forward to that! Unfortunately, Pete was attacked by one of his honeybee hives this afternoon and had to jump in the pool to get away from them. It's okay to laugh. I did. I would have sprayed those dang bees with a can of Raid by now if it was left up to me. Happy Weekend Everyone... and just remember. When you think YOUR family is nuts- just think of us on the Ponderosa. One is off in Oklahoma trying to find the perfect goat and another is running from bees through the pecan orchard and into the swimming pool. NEVER a dull moment. EVER.

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