Monday, July 16, 2012

Sometimes I think I'm crazier than the goats..

I was sort of bummed when I tracked Addie's boots on the UPS website and realized they wouldn't be here until tomorrow, the day AFTER her first goat showing clinic at the 4-H office. We were both SO EXCITED when we came in from swimming and Pete showed us the package on the kitchen counter! She loved them and they fit perfectly!

The goat clinic started at 530 so late this afternoon, Pete helped the girls catch the goats and get them loaded onto the trailer. My sweet Daddy, who just  got back from Oklahoma this morning, went with the girls to the 4-H office for the clinic.

The goats were loaded by 5, and off we went to town. The girls sat quietly while the county agent talked about everything related to goats. Fortunately, the girls already knew almost everything he had to say. I think they could have taught the class. They don't have any experience with goats, but they've pretty much grown up here on the farm and I am now realizing just how much practical common sense they pick up on in the daily goings on around here. 

After we got to the 4H office, Addie caught her goat quickly.

When it comes to catching a goat, Ali Grace is the true goat whisperer. 

The clinic was great. The girls got to practice and learn.

Addie listened to everything the judge had to say...

I think Ali is having a come to Jesus meeting with her goat in this picture.

Yipee for no tears today! Ali Grace insists she wants to have a livestock project so we're pressing on. She did very well at the practice clinic this evening. 

And sweet Addie with the red cowboy boots takes everything in stride. She really doesn't care how well her goat does in the show. As long as it beats her sister's goat, she will be thrilled. Sisterly competition I guess!!

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