Friday, March 8, 2013


We've had a busy few weeks around here and I haven't had the time nor the energy to blog!
Just to hit the high points....
Addie Belle Bennett turned 8 and had her birthday party at the Aquatic Center in Augusta. She has some cute as a button friends and we all had a good time. Hard to believe my sweet Adeline is 8 years old. She is truly the apple of my eye.

Ali Grace started Social.  We all kid her about needing Miss Manners training! She is doing well, but it hasn't been easy on me watching her grow up seemingly overnight. Since Colten is a February baby too, we celebrated at Coleman Lake last weekend. All three Cooper grands love crab legs. Luckily, Addie is getting better at cracking them herself.

The weather has been cold and rainy. I'm getting by though. I keep repeating to myself spring is just around the corner!! We've had a few intermittent days of sunshine this month... Every single time it even LOOKED like the sun might try to shine, we went outside!

But when it was just too nasty and cold to get outside, Poppy made it bearable with strawberries and sugar...

And snuggling by the fire isn't so bad....

Addie kept us entertained.. We met our friend Keith in town for supper one night and Addie couldn't eat a bite for being totally repulsed by the Alabama "A" on Keith's windbreaker. She spent the entire dinner complaining about it. I found it almost as endearing as the time I overheard her whistling "Glory" while riding her horse.

Overall it's been a cold rainy nasty month but the time changes this weekend and we can smell spring!!   Here's a few more pics from this past month...

Coleman Lake (Colten and Addie's birthday)

Ali's second Social function

Addie Belle helping Poppy pick up the chicks

YIPPEE for SPRING on a farm on a dirt road!

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