Sunday, June 24, 2012

High Tea

I just realized my last post before I left for the kayaking trip never posted. 99.9% of the reason I blog is to remember things, events, people, etc. This was an event I did not want to forget. 
Addie and I were walking home one afternoon from Nanny and Poppy's house. She was filthy. She had torn up one of her flip flops in a mud puddle so she was limping around in one shoe. Her hair was matted to her head with sweat. She looks up at me with this precious face full of freckles and dirt and says "Mama I want to have a tea party" I wanted to say- honey girls with Georgia red clay in their ears really don't do tea parties but I didn't. I figured she was kidding. She was not. She finally hounded me enough to where I knew she was serious. Since her sister and her dad were gone to 4-H camp and I knew she was lonesome, I decided we would have a tea party. My friend Beth had to come over to make some final kayaking plans and so she ended up right on the tea party list. She's about as out of place at a tea party as Addie Belle is! Beth brought her sweet as can be mama, Ms Linda. Addie Belle Bennett was beside herself! We served cookies and banana bread made by my favorite Italian ever, Maria. Addie picked fresh magnolia blooms to decorate the tea room with and she gave me one for my birthday. As is always the case, when it was time for our company to leave, Addie disappeared. She does not say goodbye well. Unfortunately, she'd wanted to give Ms Linda a magnolia bloom to take with her and had forgotten it. She was in a tizzy. I called Beth and they turned around to come back and get the magnolias. Such sweet friends they are. Blessed is she who can play hard in the mud and the next day host a perfectly perfect tea. Just love that girl to pieces.

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