Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scots Irish Saint Patrick's Day

 Check out the two redheads' St. Patrick's Day duds...

Now let me say this about that.  I am of Scots Irish heritage and I fully recognize that the Scots Irish should be wearing orange on this day to celebrate and honor the protestant William of Orange who defeated the Catholic King James II in 1690 .. but look- let's be serious. Orange just isn't a good look for redheads. Just kidding. That wasn't funny.

I am quite proud of my Scots Irish or "Ulster Scottish" heritage and while everyone assumes a redhead is Irish, the Scots Irish were quite different from the Irish. I never realized how different until a St. Patrick's day back at UGA. Someone cracked a joke in class about me not having to wear green since I must be Irish (it's the red hair thing). My Ag professor, who was also a history buff, said "that young lady is surely an Ulster Scot, and indeed not Irish!" He was adamant about it. After class he asked me what I knew of my ancestry and when I told him all I knew, he told me so much about the Scots Irish and their experience in settling the back country of the South. I was mesmerized and have been ever since. I find genealogy fascinating. My mother's side of the family has a huge genealogy book tracing her family back to right before the Revolutionary War and the book is peppered with people of Scots Irish heritage.

The Scots Irish sought to separate themselves from all things Celtic, so the girls wearing green shamrocks today along with the fact that they were baptised Anglican, and adding to that the fact that some of my closest friends are Catholic would probably send my ancestors over the edge, but I guess we're living proof that time does indeed heal all things, right?

The girls had a great afternoon with Nanny and Poppy while I got my hair done. When I drove in the driveway, Addie was helping Poppy plow the garden.

We are ready for the weekend!  

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