Y'all know I don't stray far from home. Not that I don't love seeing family, but I love my house and I love my house even more when we're all here. We had a great time seeing all the Old Town cousins in Jesup, but it surely is good to be home. We stopped in Statesboro on the way home today and I found the girls some really cute summer duds at Belk. It's so hard to find girls clothes that aren't ridiculously skanky these days. I buy a lot of Addie's clothes from Etsy but Ali is a little too old for the monogrammed applique' look...at least SHE thinks she is! We picked up enough to get us through the rest of the school year. Addie is so rough and tumble but she LOVES clothes, especially dresses and skirts. She loves a big matching hairbow too. I think she got that from her friend Mary Will! Ali Grace is such a girly girl, wanting hot pink nails and scented everything- but she doesn't care a thing about wearing girly clothes. She's quite happy in a tee shirt and jeans. My two are unique for sure.

I cleaned like a mad woman today. We went across the road after the smell of steak grilling wafted across the dirt road! :)
It was a good day on the Ponderosa and a great weekend overall.
Glad to have you back in God's country. Love Addie's new outfit. Just four weeks til bunko.