Ali was very anxious to get dressed and ready for the concert tonight. She came home and changed immediately into her EBA shirt.
The concert was just wonderful. It was like an old time gospel singin'! Even though some think the old gospel songs are boring, I greatly prefer them to contemporary Christian music. Shall We Gather at the River is much more soul stirring to me than any contemporary song. I loved it! How in the world Ms Joiner gets those kids to sing so well is beyong me. but I was blessed by it and was reminded how fortunate my children are to be able to attend Edmund Burke Academy.
My sweet niece Sarah Rose came with us. She's two and a pistol! After every song she would shout out. I told her to quit being such a Baptist and be quiet! It tickled the people in front of us and we all had a good chuckle.
Short post tonight. I still have about 995 things on my list of 1000 things to do before we leave for the beach tomorrow!
Ya'll have a great time at the beach. I will talk to you when you return. I want to try to the girls together again.