There's a reason why these two yahoos are in SEPARATE pictures today! This morning began with a great breakfast with my daddy. Mama is at the state DAR Convention so he's been a bachelor for a few days. He wanted to cook us girls breakfast this morning and since he's a fabulous cook, it was quite easy to get the girls out of bed and across the road. Breakfast was fabulous as is always the case, but that's where the pleasantry ended. I had planned a trip to the grocery store and some other errands in town but could not find my debit card. I remembered having it at last night's Relay for Life and I was afraid it was on the track somewhere so I had to cancel the card. In the midst of all this, my two children are screaming at each other and snatching each other around like rag dolls.
Yes. I know they don't LOOK like they are WWF caliber wrestlers but trust me when I say they are. I went three shades of crazy and sent them to their room and dared them to come out. I didn't hear a peep from them for at least a couple of hours.
Funny how tonight I heard them cackling in the office and I went to inspect. I found the two of them, each with one leg in a pair of tights running around and around the downstairs together. If only us adults could be so forgiving. Mine will scratch each other's eyes out one minute and the next minute be ready to scratch YOUR eyes out for hurting the other one's feelings. Funny...this sisterhood thing is.
I have to give a shout out to my sweet former student, Emily. I got this in the mail today from her:
Other than her parents Jan and Joey, there is no one prouder of her than me! I taught Emily in middle school and my husband taught her in high school. She was and is such a joy. She is joining the Peace Corps and will use her agriculture degree to help struggling African nations grow more of their own food. Pete and I fought over the invitation. The conversation went something like this:
Pete: she showed her first steer in MY class.
Me: So what! I taught her first!
Pete: Well ....
Me: I took her to FFA camp first!
Pete: Well I got the invitation first and I'm taking it!
Both of us wanted to take the invitation and tape it up at school somewhere as a reminder that every once in a while, a kid really makes it big, and it surely helps you get up and face another day teaching school when you believe you may have had even a small part in that success. It should also remind kids that great things happen to students who work hard. I had lots of students who COULD have done what Emily is doing, but she actually did it! Good luck Emily! Change the world girl!
And on a final note, we are irresponsible pet owners. We did not have Millie spayed in time and after a short lived relationship with my parents' Jack Russell Terrier, she had five puppies! They are dascshund/jack russell mixes and there are 4 males and one female. PLEASE take one if you can! Addie and Ali have played with them every day since they were born and now they follow us around the farm. They need a good home. We have too many critters here already.