Ali and Nanny waiting on the steaks to come off the grill! |
Pete is off at one of his many Ag functions tonight and tomorrow night so I'm a single parent for a couple days. I don't like it. I'm not good at it. That's all I have to say about that. Today it was rainy and cold most of the day and it's sure easy to get into a funk when the weather is so dreary. I was a little down since I knew Pete would be leaving this afternoon and I have so much to do around here. Luckily when I got home my Daddy invited us over for a steak dinner. Talk about perfect timing.
This is the best shot I could get as Addie and Poppy flew through
the front yard on their way to grill out at Poppy's house!
Ali seems to still be a little gunky. Her fever is gone but her throat still hurts and her nose is dripping like a faucet. She and I are watching the UGA/UT game on TV tonight. Now that she's actually been to Stegeman Coliseum, she thinks it's really cool to see it on TV.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I'd make a terrible single parent. I'm very thankful for my husband. He gets on my last everloving nerve but I miss him when he's not here. I don't sleep well when he's gone. That really IS all I'm going to say about that.
I know how you feel about the single parent thing. My hubby and I pick at each other constantly, but I do love that man and I hate spending one night w/o him. Distance just makes the heart grow stronger.