The house was eerily quiet after the Lawsons and the Tomlinsons left Sunday. The girls would not settle for a nice peaceful evening however. They INSISTED on getting out their gifts that Royce brought them. Pete and I finally relented and tag teamed them. Addie wanted to play with her Fazoodles or padoodles of pafoozles or whatever those things you make out of big fuzzy pipecleaners are! Ali had gotten a sand art kit and wanted to fill a teddy bear container with all the different sand colors. They really had a great time and it wasn't as chaotic as I'd imagined.The girls had Upward Basketball practice today. They are such sweethearts. I swear I could eat them up with a spoon some days. Today I'm particularly thankful for great kids and a hardworking husband who feels some sense of responsibility for our well being. A friend of mine is facing a difficult family situation right now and talking with her about it made me feel guilty for all the little things I nitpick my husband about. This morning he set the alarm for 4:30am. Today was a teacher workday and I didn't have to be at work till 8am. What in the WORLD???? I was a little peeved! However, I'm thankful today for my husband. I'm thankful for his devotion to our family and for the security he provides for us. I know that there is nothing he wouldn't do for me and the girls and that is truly a blessing. This year I resolve to remember that!
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