Unfortunately we missed church this morning for no good reason at all. I just didn't want to get dressed. The service was great last week so I don't know why I had absolutely no motivation this morning. I had a full glass of red wine last night before bed, and while I love red wine, it knocks me out and leaves me dead in the morning. Thus was the case this morning I guess. You'd think I'd learn. But no, I'm hardheaded.
Almost a year ago my husband and I went to "Wine Weekend in the Woods" at Smithgall Woods Lodge (pictured above) outside Helen. I was upset with him for spending money on such a frivolous thing, even though we seldom do such things. However, it was WELL worth it. Chef Mac Parks was at his best that weekend. He has written several articles in Bon Appetit. The sommelier was great too. Not only was he an expert on viticulture, he knew his history. I was fascinated listening to him tell stories about the wineries that produced the wines we were drinking. After dinner one night we had an unbelievable dessert paired with a tawny port that was out of this world. The winery that produced the port had been in the same family over 300 years. Unbelievable. Anyway, to my point! While we were there, we had Gouda cheese from the Sweetgrass Dairy in Thomasville. Hands down, it was the best Gouda cheese, probably the best cheese PERIOD that I'd ever had. It was paired with a Chenin Blanc that was wonderfully perfect. Recently the Sweetgrass Dairy has begun to offer their cheeses for purchase online. I've also had their Thomasville Tomme and their Asher Blue cheese. ALL were fabulous. Check them out at www.sweetgrassdairy.com They are a family operation, running a grass fed herd of jersey cows. I love their take on sustainable agriculture as much as I love their cheese!
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