St Francis of Assisi once stated that great sorrow could be alleviated with a good bath, a glass of wine, and a night's rest. I tested his theory and am happy to report 'tis true. After yesterday's wretched day, and then the dance/gymnastics marathon, I came home with a killer headache, starving to death, and worn to a frazzle. I tripped over a chainsaw in the garage and tore one of my favorite pairs of pants. My dog had walked over the freshly painted garage floor at my parents' house. By the time I got home, I was questioning St Francis. I was thinking, "It's going to take a glass of wine and an excessive amount of Xanax to fix this hot mess of a day". But alas, I'm better today. Issues haven't changed, but my attitude has improved.
Lately, I've been searching out some regional wines. I am a bit of a "locavore" and few realize what wonderful wineries we have right here in Georgia. Georgia even has a "wine road" through "wine country"! They have a great Wine Road Weekend in March. The wineries I'm most familiar with are FrogTown Cellars in Dahlonega, Persimmon Creek Vineyards in Clayton, and Tiger Mountain Vineyards in Tiger. My favorites are both Persimmon Creek wines. They are Persimmon Creek Seyval Blanc and Persimmon Creek Riesling. VERY GOOD. All the Georgia wines are comparable to other regional US or Australian wines. I'm not a sommelier by even the greatest stretch of the imagination but I do find wine fascinating and If I win the lottery or if I have one more day like yesterday and do indeed delve into another career, I may look into sommelier's school seriously. :) I find the wine's "story" even more fascinating than the wine itself. Last year I tried an Australian grown muscadelle that was truly heavenly from Rosewood Vineyards Anyway, a sommelier told me that the winery was within feet of being burned during the terrible wildfires a couple years ago. Makes great table talk I guess!
There's a great wine shop in Evans next to Kid2Kid. The owner is very conversational and they do carry an array of Georgia wines. They are willing to order as well. A great website to check out all the Georgia wineries is http://www.georgiawine.com/georgia-wineries All the Georgia wines as well as the aforementioned Rosewood muscadelle are easy on the wallet too. And for a furloughed school teacher on the edge, that's always a plus.
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