This is sort of a rant.. which is kinda odd since this whole post was meant to be about how tired I am of reading rants.. It's a rant about judgmental rants if you will.. I'm guilty of going on a tear too, or reposting crap advice to facebook, but doggone it I'm getting better and reposting less. Let me explain. In the last month, I've "learned" the following on facebook:
1. I'm feeding my kids too much sugar.
2. My kids aren't getting enough sleep.
3. My kids are getting too much sleep.
4. 7 Things I'm doing wrong trying to raise Christian children
5. My kids don't have an appropriate bed time.
6. My kids don't need a bedtime.
7. 5 reasons I should not let my children eat flour.
8. 5 things I should be doing to make my husband happier
9. 7 things I should never say to my children
10. 10 things I should say to my kids at least twice a day.
11. I shouldn't be helping with the girls' homework.
12. I should be helping with the girls' homework
And the list goes on and on and on and on and nauseatingly on....
Is "nauseatingly" a word?
In a recent staff development meeting, our media specialist put up a cartoon that showed a fire hydrant blasting water towards a kid who's thirsty. I thought to myself sweet Mother Mary isn't that the truth. Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant. I totally get how mothers think they are doing it all wrong- from what they feed their families to how they relate to their husbands, to what kind of clothes they wear. Truly someone posted on facebook the other day "What the color of your socks says about your marriage." WTH?? Really? Hell I was afraid to read that one since I feel a great sense of accomplishment if we all walk out of the house in the morning with socks that actually match.
Here's my suggestion:
It would help if we (me included) just stopped reposting that ridiculous mess. If people continue to post it, you don't have to click on it. I don't anymore. I don't mind 10 recipes, 5 funny pictures, etc.. But if I sense in any way that the post may have a tone like "you SHOULD be doing it this way.." then I keep on scrolling and resist the urge to click.
I have enough stress in my life. I really don't need to add to it by reading 8 reasons why I've ruined my kids' lives because I let them stay up past 9 last night.
On a lighter note... here are some pictures of the kids from the last couple weeks.. and glaring examples of how I'm probably doing something wrong in raising them.. :)
I'm sure there's some post somewhere titled "Why you shouldn't let your 8 year old daughter chase a frog around the kitchen for an hour."
Or "3 reasons why you shouldn't let your 8 year old read books to her minion"
Here's one... "Five reasons her life will be ruined if you let your 8 year old pick our her own clothes"
"Five reasons why your family won't be as tight nit if you live in a big house and each sibling has their own room..."
"10 reasons why Dairy Queen food will make your children grow horns"
Oh and here's one of my plant nerd hubby...
"5 reasons your husband will love you more if you let him go on and on about cultivars, hybrids, and propagation techniques even though you really just want to get to the basketball game.."
I saw a quote last week that said "Behind every great kid is a Mama who is sure she's screwing it up" I took that to heart. I'm not perfect, but I'm not doing it all wrong either. Neither are the folks that make up the "5 reasons why..." posts. Have a great week everyone. There's a lot you're doing right.
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