Sunday, July 3, 2011

Quote of the Day: I might be diabetic tomorrow.

We had a wonderful day on the Ponderosa! I left the farm for the first time since Wednesday to run into town for reinforcements! We were missing a few key ingredients for the pineapple cherry homemade ice cream. We have all laughed until our bellies all hurt and my cousin Meredith had the quote of the day after we'd all eaten barbecue chicken, potato salad, slaw, and a ridiculous amount of leftovers. She said, "I'm going to be a diabetic by tomorrow!" We had a good laugh out of that one.

Today I mostly enjoyed watching the kids play outdoors. the heat wasn't unbearable and they had a wonderful time together.

They climbed gates...

They enjoyed swinging on the gate..

 They chased each other on bikes..

 They laughed so hard they crashed...

We all ate way too much and laughed just the right amount...

Then the kids turned into superheroes and fought the evil forces...

They ran THIS way...

and THAT way...

and back THIS way again...

And then they declared victory over the evil villains...

The Cole cousins came back across the road to our house tonight and we had a great time. Reminded me of when we were little kids and our parents would get together and laugh all evening while we kids played in the other room. Now WE are the "parents" and our kids were the ones running wild through the house. 

After a huge breakfast tomorrow, everyone will hit the road home. We have had an absolute perfect weekend. It's a family tradition I hope to continue for a very long time. 

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing your pics of down home fun on the farm. Nothing like watching cousins playing and just being kids.
