I've never been a huge fan of Halloween. I don't know why except I've never been fond of having the weebijits scared out of me I guess. I remember as a little girl visiting a friend's house for a slumber party and watching horror movies. It took me about 10 minutes before I was in the living room with the girl's mother watching Dallas and Falcon Crest. That's much more my speed.
A friend of mine on facebook posed the question a few days ago "Am I a bad parent for not paying 100 dollars for a stinkin' halloween costume?" I had to laugh, because in this house we think paying TWENTY dollars is too much for a costume- especially in times like these. It almost seems ridiculous to spend that much money on a one time outfit when others are having a hard time putting food on the table. This year the girls are wearing their dance costumes from last year (which cost a small fortune). Ali will make a beautiful ballerina and Addie is wearing a glittery red and black costume. I'll paint a Georgia G on her cheek and she'll make a great Georgette! We just don't get into Halloween much around here. On top of that, I'm using John Rosemond's advice and saying NO and saying it OFTEN. LOL :)
The girls have only trick or treated a couple times. Once my parents took them while Pete and I were in Orlando for a conference. They went a time or two maybe when we lived in Rincon. However, now they really prefer to go to a fall festival at their grandparents' church. I'm fine with that.
This year I'll be watching the Georgia Florida game at home and after the game, I'll probably go by and help out with our Haunted House at school. As I said before, I'm not a big fan of scary, but watching those kids run out of their shoes to get out of the haunted house is priceless. We should charge admission to have seats by the exit doors. That's where the REAL show is!
We are all enjoying the cooler weather around here. Junior Pro football season is over and it's been really nice to have no obligations during the week. However, Addie INSISTS she wants to play Upward basketball so we'll see how that works out. Anyone who knows Addie, knows that will be interesting! I think Ali is enjoying having some time off, and as long as she doesn't ask, we're not adding anything else to our plate. Fall is my favorite season of all. My friend Cindy, an avid gardener says fall is so depressing because the garden dies and it'll be a while before she can have fresh veggies again. I understand that view, but I welcome the relief from such intense heat and I have the best fireplace in the South. I swear y'all I do. It is huge and puts out enough heat to heat the downstairs of a 3700 square foot house. I can't wait to use it again! PJ's, hot tea, roaring fire trumps fresh veggies... well until about say February!! Then I'll be sick of the cold and ready to dig in the dirt again!
Enjoy this beautiful weekend! I'll be in dissertation prison again.
So glad to hear I'm not the only one that thinks buy a costume is so wasteful. One of mine has decided he is too old and the other has decided she wants to be an exercise girl. I was hoping ya'll would do the Trunk or Treat- think I sent you something on FB about it.