Recently I've written a couple blogs related to my locavore habit. More than a few folks have asked me about it. Even though my husband calls me a closet tree hugger, I assure you I am not. I do not recycle. I did not use cloth diapers. I do not drink wheat juice. I do what I can though! I am however in my own way, concerned with the sustainability of our current agricultural practices. Our population is exploding and in order to meet this demand for food, we spray more chemicals, mow down more forest land, and pollute more rivers and streams. Imagine if ALL of us grew just a LITTLE bit of what we consumed, or if we bought it from a farmer down the road rather than having it shipped here from China. What a difference that would make! Fewer lung paralyzing fumes on the road, fewer pesticides running into streams, MORE nutrition for our own children. We haven't bought eggs ONCE since Pete built the poultry palace out back! It's a win win situation. Anyway, with that being said, we have planted grapevines this past weekend! Well, let me clear that up. PETE planted grapevines this weekend. Anyone who knows my husband knows he does NOTHING half way. Oh nooooo.... we have the kind of grape vine trellises they probably have in the Loire Valley of France. We have grapevine trellises that will sustain wine grapes! They really do look nice in the side yard!
We planted Cowart and Triumph varieties of muscadine grapes today. Cowart grapes are reddish colored and are great for both table grapes as well as wine making. Triumph varieties have a greenish bronze tinge to them and make huge bunches of table type grapes. Both are low maintenance varieties and are suitable for all zones in Georgia. Both are self pollinating as well. If you choose a grape variety make sure they either self pollinate or if you get female cultivars, you need at least one self pollinator for 4 female plants. Pete built a three row trellis for the grapes, simply because I want it to serve as sort of a living fence. Many commercial growers only use one row.
Pete also planted some thornless blackberries and there are blueberry bushes waiting in the pots to be planted on the next beautiful day. I am also hoping to plant a couple pear trees and maybe a plum tree in the orchard area in the side yard. Can you tell I'm losing my MIND waiting for spring to get here?? Pete insists I have seasonal affective disorder. I tend to agree. Thanks for all your hard work this weekend!! I love it!!! Have a great week everyone!
Let me know when you bottle some muscadine wine- One of my favorites.