Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Balm for the Bulldog Wounded

Gather round Bulldog faithful. I need to tell you a story. It started a long time ago around 1971. My husband was born in Florida. Raised in a God fearin' but Gator lovin family. Y'all there is even photographic evidence of him wearing a Gator sweatshirt as a young teenager. I tell you this because I want you to know through prayer and careful consideration, this burden was lifted from him. I reckon that's how it happened. All I know is if he hadn't made this conversion, my daddy would've straight written me out of the will when I brought him home. Georgia will do that to you. Makes you forget what you used to know. Makes you new and full of eager ambition. I can testify. But, there's a down side to such fervor. When your Dawgs lose a heartbreaker, it hurts like whacking your shin on a reese hitch. Like shaving over a mosquito bite, like when your horse steps on your toes and you were stupid enough to wear flip flops. Worse. Although my husband shares my deep abiding love of Athens and the University, he only gets into football because there's nothing else allowed on any TV in my house on Saturdays in the fall. He watches and cheers but mostly laughs at me writhing on the floor begging Jesus for a 4th down stop.  Last night he went sound asleep during the last half. The girls hung in there with me but he was slap out. I don't say that proudly. It's one of those things I will never understand about him. But nevertheless, when I'd eaten a rice krispy treat, a leftover chicken wing, a handful of stale popcorn, and a biscuit I think Murphy bit into first, I realized I had to go to bed and get some sleep.  As I turned on the lamp so I could crawl into bed, I see my 130 pound Great Dane in MY spot in the bed. He is out. I mean snoring like a grown man. OUT. Like a Carolina fan on a 3 day drunk. OUT. Now, I have no upper body strength, but I can pull an entire Bama bandwagon with my legs. So I crawled into bed and pushed him as hard as I could with my legs. He's barely moving at all so I push with hands AND feet. Right as I get him close to the edge, he wakes, startles, and flips over on top of me and goes immediately back to sleep. Here I am- legs hanging off the bed, Great Dane laid out completely across my shoulders. I managed to push him off my chest and throw my legs into the bed. He's literally got his big race horse sized head over my shoulder but I'm so exhausted I don't care. I closed my eyes and began my normal routine of praying for soldiers, for old people, for dogs on the street, for children with no parents, and for Tech fans clearly eaten up with envy.  I prayed for friends struggling at work, and mamas barely making ends meet, for dairy farmers, for coaches' wives and that my girls will one day find worthy spouses who hunt and fish and  love Jesus and the Dawgs. I prayed for Sony and Nick and Hot Rod and Kirby. For Jake, Roquan and for Bama's #48, through gritted teeth. I prayed for the freshmen with so much to look forward to and the seniors with so much to remember.  I thanked the Lord for Munson, for Herschel and for my Grandmother who loved football almost as much as she loved cigarettes and a deck of cards. No doubt my prayer life is rife with Attention Deficit Disorder. As I was wrapping up I asked the Lord to soothe the souls of the Bulldog faithful and instantly let me tell y'all what happened. Y'all it was a sign. You know how some claim to have felt the brush of angel's wings when they talked to God? Well I felt hot, Great Dane breath.  Sweet dog breath. I about cried. Thank you Lord for that Dawg breath. I know that was you, God. Thank you. Thank you for every Dawg out on that field last night. Thank you for all the Bulldog faithful. It will be a long stretch of winter and disappointing Braves baseball waiting for fall, but with You, we will get through it.  Stop wasting a single second of this blessed Bulldog life complaining about horrid officiating or big mouth Bama fans. Stop. Just start counting down the days. Because, it is GREAT to be a Georgia Bulldog. I know so because the Lord told me through Dawg breath and a little slobber on my LL Bean pajamas. Good night y'all. Sleep tight. Smile. Say your prayers.  Get some rest. G Day will be here before you know it.  Go Dawgs.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

To all the Dawgs in my life..on the night before "The Game".

I haven't written Game Day Commentary in awhile. Mostly because the Dawgs have kept me speechless most the season. But I got a text from a good friend that said just this "you owe it to the Dawgs, Carmen Bennett. You have until tonight at midnight." Okay well if you put it that way... Here goes. For you, the Georgia Mafia. :)

It's not just a game.

If you think it is- you can stop here. I'll save you the time.  But if you know it's more than a game, keep reading. If you've loved the Dawgs the whole of your life, you can keep reading too. If you spent 4 amazing years at the University of Georgia, keep reading. If you can remember your parents cheering on the Dawgs while listening to the game on the radio, you should keep reading. If you can recite Buck Belue to Lindsay Scott without missing a single word, keep reading.  If you've ever named the family dog Munson or Dooley, keep reading. Because, if any or all of the previous describe you, you my friends, are Damn Good Dawgs.  Ain't a one of y'all just woke up one day and decided you thought it'd be cool to be a fan, bought you a sweatshirt and then became a loudmouth.  Not that there's a thing wrong with the Bama fans that do that kinda thing. Bless ya heart y'all are still good Christians. But I don't trust y'all. Y'all are like those folks that make pimento cheese with pre-grated cheddar. It's perfectly legal but that don't make it right. I love you, but I'm still givin' you the side eye and I ain't turnin' my back to you.

There are many ways red and black gets in your blood. I was only five when the Dawgs won their last national championship. I've been told tales about it but I cannot remember it. I do remember losing to Penn State in 1982. I was 7 then and my Daddy won't even say the words "Penn State" even today. My daddy graduated from Georgia. My mama has two degrees from Georgia, as do I. My husband has 2 Georgia degrees. My brother has one. My aunts have several. My daddy's cousins have a few too. So even if I hadn't gone to Georgia, there's still no way I could be anything but a Dawg, just from good righteous raising. The good book says train up a child in the way he should go. Mine did. So many good rabid Dawgs were made this way. If you have righteous raising and you've strayed, come on home, sugar. Take that Bama sweatshirt to the Goodwill and come on home. We'll be happy and your mama will be proud.

There were some lean years in Athens when I was a teenager. Growing up in northeast Georgia, I wasn't a rebellious kid but I'd sometimes mention going to Georgia Tech or Clemson just to get a rise out of my parents. Some teenagers drink too much and some drive too fast. I just threatened to go to college in Atlanta. I was a student at Georgia from 1993-1997. There wasn't much to cheer about through Goff and Donnan and although it dampened our spirits,  it never dampened the loyalty of the faithful. In 1995, when Kirby Smart was a Dawg himself, who'd have thought he'd be the one to lead us to the gates of the promised land a little over 20 years later? Throughout those 4 years, it wasn't the football team that made me fall hopelessly in love with Georgia. It was meeting my future husband in Aderhold Hall. It was a thoroughbred named Cashew that threw me off his back more than once but taught me a lot about getting up, dusting off, and getting back on. It was the way downtown glistened on cold nights. It was Milledge Avenue in the spring. It was Guthrie's chicken tenders, the chapel bell, Hodgson's ice cream, and Cooper's fishbowls (don't worry Daddy I only HEARD about those. I never ever witnessed it personally).  It was professors I still stay in touch with today, and friends I now count as family. It was North Campus grass and a blanket in the fall (even to an Ag girl from South Campus). It was a crappy Russell Hall dorm room with my elementary school best friend counting change to see if we could order the "good" pizza.  It was that same friend flinging open the door to our dorm room and yelling "there's a nutjob preacher at Tate! Let's go watch!" It was Arooj from Pakistan who loved JFK, Jr., Rebecca who prayed all the time (probably for the rest of us)   and Rhonda, the yankee softball pitcher from New Jersey. We were quite an interesting mix of Soule Hall sisters back then.   Blessed just seems too simple a word.

So when the Dawgs take the field tomorrow, there's a lot more than a football team tied up in that G on the helmet. Whether you went to school there, it was bred into you, or a wicked combination of both, you know it's not just a game. Athens is not just a town. Georgia is NOT just a University and whether we win or lose, I love the Dawgs. I do. I love them. I love the University of Georgia and ain't no "Roll Tide" from any big mouthed bandwagon Bama fan ever gonna change that.

Y'all pray for my mama. She's in the hospital recovering from a terrible stomach virus. She asked the doctor this morning if he could have her home by kickoff tomorrow. Clearly, a Damn Good Dawg. Clearly NOT just a game. Glory, GLORY, to Ol' Georgia.