Saturday, November 29, 2014

It IS what it IS...

1. Mark Richt- I need you to know that good looks can only take you so far. Yes Paul Johnson favors Jabba the Hut and you look like a fresh wave of pure hotness, but apparently that's not enough to win a football game. Get with it. My patience is wearing thin.

2. This was a tough loss. Partly because I hate Tech. I actually don't hate the team, They're not punks like Auburn, but ugh... who chews on a piece of shrubbery even if it is a "hedge". Freakin' idiots. Actually now that I think about it,  I do hate them and they are punks. Their mothers should be horse whipped for not being better mothers. As a side note, Privet ligustrum is mildly toxic to humans. I hope that idiot on the Tech facebook page spends his Sunday on the porcelain throne.

3. I did have a great time in Athens today. The weather was gorgeous and I did some mean tailgating with a great group of Joneses. Y'all are DGDs and I know a DGD when I see one!

4. A nice elderly man asked me when I sat down in the stadium if my husband was a Tech fan. I said excuse me sir, but no he is not and I take offense to the fact that you would think I would marry such and I'll have you know my daddy would have written me right out of the will if I'd brought home a tech fan. His response? "GO DAWGS!" Now granted, my husband might have spent the entire first quarter trying to figure out whether that leaf he found on campus was a shumard oak or a scarlet oak, but he ain't no damn wretched tech fan. 

5. Damian Swann- I apologize for naming my two chihuahuas after you. It was a rash decision after the South Carolina game. That 99 yard run put you back in DGD status with me. We've renamed the pups now. 

6. Hutson Mason- what can I say, man? You're a DGD. I know some Georgia jerks are going to be calling in bashing you but they're knuckleheads and too drunk to remember we fumbled twice on the goal line. Take it in stride young man. 

7. Y'all Southerners know what happens when we see a snowflake fall? Mass chaos ensues. Hysteria begins. We suddenly turn stupid and start running around crazy as a bunch of peach orchard hogs. Why? Because we don't see snow that much and when we  do we don't know how to act. Same with Georgia Tech chewing the shrubbery and doing "turf angels" on the 50 yard line after a win. Why? Because they don't beat the Dawgs that much and when they do, they don't know how to act. I still blame it on poor raising, but I could be wrong. Doubtful though. 

8. I told my sister in law, Beth that I wouldn't put that Georgia Christmas tree up this year if we lost to Tech. I'm putting it up tomorrow afternoon. 

9..  I can't explain what happened today Dawg fans. I really can't. But I know I came home to a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner around a table surrounded by NINE degrees from the University of Georgia. I love the Dawgs. It is in my blood and there ain't a cure for it. I'm thankful for that. The Dawgs make me cuss, scream, holler, and gnash my teeth but isn't that a lot like a family?   Blessed is the girl who loves such a team no matter what. And THAT is all I have to say about that. Go Dawgs.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

This Week's Georgia Football Commentary (With pictures used completely without permission) ;)

1.  I am too old for night games. I just got home this morning from the game. I feel like I've been hit by a truck and I didn’t drink a drop. 

 2. I didn’t get hit by a truck, but on that fake punt, I did get hit in the shoulder by my “friend” to the left of me. That set off a slight domino effect that left a poor lady in the last seat sitting in the stairwell.

3.  I know Todd Gurley is a beast and a half. But Chubb is a workhorse. I PROMISE you I heard Larry Munson’s gravelly voice come from the sky after that run where Chubb bounced off the defender. It sounded something like “he’s driving and running with those big thighs”.  I’ll admit I was a little misty eyed when I looked to the heavens, conveniently located over Sanford Bridge and answered him with “My God, Larry, a Freshman!”

4.   On the first Auburn drive when Auburn seemed to be running at will, I had to invoke a little divine intervention. My LMS Peeps know that when the going gets tough at work, I just close my eyes and say “Fix it, Jesus.”  Y’all look at this picture and tell me Uga isn’t saying “fix it, Jesus”.  Not a doubt in my mind that Uga loves the Lord.

5. David Andrews is my kinda player. If I had to give the game ball to someone other than Chubb, it’d be to that hoss.  After a crucial touchdown, he went nuts on the field. It was much better seeing it on TV. I didn’t get the full effect live. If you didn’t see it, the vine link is  here After watching, refer back to #2. That’s precisely what Beth Haynes was doing to my left shoulder at that very moment.
6.   Did y’all watching it on TV think that Mark Richt just randomly changed his mind on that 4th down? Maybe it was the booing from the student section you think? Nope. It was Beth coming over the rails and grabbing his headset. That’s how she ended up in the paddywagon.
Don’t fret. Mark let her go after the touchdown. (I’m kidding, Marcelle.) This is not for real.

7.   After this game, I’m even more puzzled as to what melted down at Florida. Florida is the F word in my house, so that’s why I can’t say anything else about it other than it was sweet to see the Ol’ Ball Coach beat the Gators in the Swamp yesterday.

8.  What may have been sweetest of all though, was seeing grass in Nick Marshall’s helmet. He is a punk. I’m not just saying that because he got kicked out of Georgia and landed at Auburn. I mean that’s not exactly rare these days is it? He is a little too big for his britches and it was quite nice to see him shut down and held to 41 yards rushing.

9.  On a more serious note, it’s been some time since I’ve been to a game in Athens. I was really shocked at the trash all over the place. I’d love to think that it was left by pissed off Auburn fans. But I’m sure it wasn’t. I have to wonder if you losers throwing your beer bottles and potato chip bags all over campus actually went to school there. If so, you were undeserving of such an experience and I hope Karma bites you in the butt somehow… by having your kids end up at Auburn or something. Beth and Tim said it looked the same way at Arkansas but that’s different. That is Arkansas. Their mascot is a pig for goodness sake.

 10.   It’s great to be a Georgia Bulldog. Even when you are pushing 40 and can barely stand upright the morning after riding home sleeping at a 90 degree angle in the backseat of a chevy truck. Thank goodness next week’s game is a 12 o’clock game or this ol’ Dawg might not make it.
Oh one more thing… shout out to my friend Stacy’s daughter, Raley, who just found out she got into UGA! Best wishes for an incredible 4 years!