I don't really FEEL 39 and I guess you're only as old as you feel right? I had a fantastic low key birthday today. Never been one to make a fuss over birthdays and so my mama coming over to help clean my screened porch today was the perfect gift. I LOVE my back porch but it'd never really recovered from the ice storm mess with tools and gloves and all sorts of leftover junk that mysteriously appears when a house has to run on a generator. Ugh. Flashback. Not happy. Breaking out in hives. Wait it was 91 here today. I for one could not be happier about it. I will not complain about the shake and bake this summer. Bring it.
May was very busy leading up to the end of the school year. The girls racked up...
The barn burned down..
Well sort of... the equipment under the hay shed burned. Luckily the barn is metal and is still standing..
Addie got new Legos for earning all As on her report card.
Ali did great in her spring dance recital..
Since school's been out we've had some fabulously lazy pool days...
Some goat chasing...
and a great camping weekend with friends and family...
And I just have to say this... a couple weeks ago I had a friend on facebook make the comment "I hope one day to be as good as you." Ummm I'm not sure what she was referring to.. Like as good as me as a mother? Please. My kids eat popsicles for breakfast and I sent my youngest off to her grandmother's without her toothbrush this week. Like as good as me as a housekeeper? Ummm have I not mentioned I had a goat running loose in my house recently? Look- I might look like I have it together, but if it's all together, it's just by zebra print duct tape. I've got just as much fool going on around here as anyone. Right now I have dishes in my sink that may or may not get loaded into the dishwasher tonight. I'm past the point in my life where I worry about such minutia. God bless you if you do. I just don't. Maybe it looks like I have it all together from the outside looking in. I don't. But I AM happy. Happy as I've ever been in my life. Maybe that's why life looks so good even when you're enjoying brunch by the pool and a baby goat is laying on your feet. Maybe that's why everything still seems wonderful despite the fact that I spent this evening scraping macaroni off the ceiling because one of my daughters thought this an appropriate way to test whether the pasta was "al dente". It's about perspective I guess. When life is good on the inside, it looks beautiful on the outside, even if it's not perfect.
I saw this quote on Pinterest yesterday while looking for some porch ideas. Love it. I wish I had a canvas of it to hang on my porch! Aren't we awful about glorifying busy? As if busy is better than sitting under the ceiling fan reading a book on the porch? When it gets down to it, I don't like busy. I like slow, wake up when I want to, nothing to do but be home kinda days. I like home.
And finally, thanks to some great friends who've made this week wonderful. Besides creeping ever so close to 40, I've had a lot going on this week with some personal decisions that had to be made and even though the issues resolved themselves quite nicely, I'm thankful for this experience because some true friends have really shown up this week. Y'all know who you are.