Back in September, Ali Grace started Social. Last year she completed Perfectly Social, a series of etiquette classes we could ALL use. Honestly, y'all etiquette is what separates us from the animals. Truly. Etiquette, and Lily Pulitzer. I'm serious. Anyway, this year in Social, she's learning to dance. Not just gyrate and shake your booty in something totally inappropriate, but the Foxtrot y'all. The Foxtrot. Etiquette, Lily Pulitzer, and the Foxtrot. Those are the three things that separate us from the animals. I notice how many young adults today don't know how to shake a hand, how to properly address adults, how to pull out a chair for a date, or for goodness sake how to allow someone to pull out a chair for you on a date! I know some think it's a waste of money on an outdated tradition. Say what you will. But a little raising goes a long way these days. Especially since it's becoming exceedingly rare. One of Ali Grace's friends snapped this photo of Ali and her dance partner, Christopher, the first night of Social. I love this picture. I think these two are just adorable. Ali Grace is still so darned tiny, but we're getting closer and closer to being able to wear a petite extra extra small. When she finally gets there I am looking forward to doing some major damage in the nearest Ann Taylor Loft. Now when Addie comes along, she probably won't be as agreeable. I don't care. It's kinda like a Christian upbringing. You put it in their heads and in their hearts and hope it sticks. If it doesn't, you rest easy at night knowing you did the best you could do! Amen?
The month of October was jampacked with 4-H Goat shows. The girls have done so well this year. I am so very proud of them. We have 2 more shows and then we'll have another season under our belts. I couldn't be happier with how well they've done.
I even survived one goat show wearing these adorable heels.
It's been a great show season. The kids have made great friends and had a lot of laughs together..
Ali placed first at the local fair with her Raw Honey mini-booth project...
The girls had a good time celebrating Homecoming Week at school...
I took this pic on "crazy red and white day". Good grief. I'm not sure Social will do this one much good.
We enjoyed the cooler afternoons with Sonic ice cream...
And I squeezed in an hour for cheesecake with a good friend...Which I have realized I must do more often.
Addie wrapped up her first Jr Pro Football season....
And before we knew it, Fall was upon us..
I'll miss Summer, but I'm ready for some cooler temperatures and hot spiced tea.
Happy Fall Y'all...
"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air."
-Nathaniel Hawthorne