Sunday, October 28, 2012


Whew! That's the only word I have to describe the month of October. I am definitely an FFA widow during this month. Barely saw Pete during the daylight hours at all. With him working so much, and all the fairs going on around here I felt like I was meeting myself in the road a few times! Thankfully I think we all came through unscathed. We're looking forward to cooler weather arriving this week. Ali Grace and I are VERY excited about our upcoming trip to NEW YORK CITY in a few weeks! We've already started planning and packing!  
Addie was feeling a little left out of the mix, so I let her go up to Charlottesville to visit her cousin Emma. Gran and Papa picked her up on the way. At first I was hesitant about her missing school, but then I remembered one of my most important life lessons: NEVER let school get in the way of a good education. So, she packed up and took off. She's having a  blast being in the mountains. I'm so glad she's had a good time but I cannot WAIT to see her when she gets home tomorrow. There's always a little "twinge" in your gut when all your chickies aren't under one roof. 
It's been nice being able to spend some time with Ali Grace these last few days though. We took these pics today out in the cotton field behind our house.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ag Swag!

I saw the funniest tee shirt at the Georgia National Fair this weekend. It was an FFA shirt and said "Rockin' that Ag Swag". I just thought it was cute. Hell I don't really know what swag even means. I'm pretty sure that I was lacking in "swag" when in one of my best Mother of the Year moments, I realized that we'd mixed up our show dates and that we would have to stay an extra night in Perry. Kids were elated. Parents? Not so much.  We DID have a good time. Addie won two ribbons and Ali Grace improved SO much in her showmanship skills. They are already talking about next season!

 The girls worked really hard first thing in the morning to get their goats ready for showing. However, once the McFarland boys showed up, that quickly ended.
Once the Bennett girls and the McFarland boys get together, nothing productive happens. It's all laughing, chasing, giggling and general goofiness. There are FIVE McFarland boys. God bless their sweet Mama. She is good as gold and has raised some good boys. I can't imagine it. 

The Burke County kids had a great time. Sometimes though, waiting for your class to be called can get boring. Thank goodness for kindle fires, ipods, iphones!

But when your battery dies, you have to resort to finding a lap to sit in...

And then it's usually HURRY UP! FIRST CALL CLASS 39! And we all run like mad men only to wait in line again...  

I suppose there are lots of other things I could have been doing this weekend, but I can't think of anything better than being at the goat show with the Bennett girls, the McFarland boys, the greatest nephew ever, and a whole slew of Burke County 4-H kids. That's livin', y'all.