The weather today was gorgeous. We woke up to a chilly morning and got off to a slow start but once the sun came out, it was a perfect day for playing outside. The girls spent most of the day jumping on the trampoline and running around outside. Ali Grace got Pete's tablet computer and took it on their afternoon adventure, videotaping their acrobatics on the trampoline. They insisted that Pete and I watch their "production" but after 30 seconds Pete was feeling a twinge of motion sickness and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it! I told them they'd just have to tell me about it!
They sat on the back deck together for a long time "editing the production".
We all really have a case of spring fever around here. I cannot wait to hit the beach!
Addie is doing very well taking care of her new Chihuahua, Roxy. I'm trying to get over my OCD regarding dogs in the house! She's so very tiny and really sweet as can be, so she's taking it easy on me! Addie adores her!